Where does LU cheer practice?:
The LU Cheer team practices in the Neil Carey Arena on cheer mats. Sometimes, the cheer team will practice in the
field house, and certain circumstances will permit the cheer team to travel locally to a gymnastics gym to work out on tumbling.
Does LU cheer go to camp?:
Yes, the LU cheer team will travel to the University of Louisville this year
for NCA Camp. The camp will last 4 days and the team will spend the nights in the dorms
at UofL.
What is the cost of LU Cheer?:
With all the fundraising we do, the only costs will be camp and uniforms. Nationals will be covered by the fundraising
money. :)
How many days does LU cheer practice?:
Right now, LU Cheer practices twice a week. Games usually are on Thursdays nights, and Saturday afternoons. The cheer
team practices Monday nights and when games are finished and competition seasons rolls around, Thursday nights as well. Extra
practices will added through out the summer and Fall, Winter and Spring breaks. Practice schedules are made off of class
Does LU cheer compete?:
Yes, LU cheer competes at NCA Nationals in Daytona Beach, Florida. LU cheer is Small Coed, Divsion 2.
Do I need to tumble to be on LU cheer?:
Tumbling will be practiced at ALL practices and games. Everyone is required to tumble at competition. Eric Osburn
has many years of gymnastics experience and coaches tumbling as well as other aspects of cheerleading.